緊急連絡カードをご利用ください/Please use your Emergency Card
いざという時のために、是非「緊急連絡カード(英語版:Emergency card)」をご活用ください。
- 下記からファイルを開き、A4用紙に印刷してください。
- 点線で切り取り、半分に折ることでキャッシュカード程度の大きさになりますので、財布などに入れいつも持ち歩きましょう。
- 定期的に記載内容の確認、更新をお勧めします。
- このカードには多くの個人情報が記載されますので、ご自身の判断と責任においてご利用ください。
- こども用にひらがなのカードも用意していますが、持病やアレルギーなどは本人では把握していないものもあるかと思いますので、保護者のかたの確認をお願いします。
What is an Emergency Card?
In the event of a disaster or an accident, having your emergency card which contains information on illnesses, allergies, and emergency contact details etc. can lead to a prompt rescue. Also, by filling in a refuge site and discussing emergency routines with one’s family, the card can be helpful in confirming each other’s personal safety in case of emergency. Please ensure you use the Emergency Card to ensure that you are prepared for an emergency situation.
How to use
- Open the file below and print on A4 paper.
- By cutting along the dotted line and folding, it becomes roughly the size of a credit card so please put it into your wallet etc. and keep with you at all times.
- We recommend periodically checking the information on the card and keeping it up-to-date.
- This card contains a lot of personal information so please use your own judgement, and use it responsibly.
- We have prepared cards in hiragana for children’s use, however there may be things such as illnesses and allergies that the child may not fully comprehend so we ask that the parents/carers check this.
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